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Income tax return 2015

On January 23, 2015 by Dutch Umbrella Company

From 1 March 2016, you can file your income tax return for 2016. You can use a tax return form pre-completed by the Tax Authorities for this. Much of the data has already been filled in for you. All you need to do is verify the data and add any information missing.

If you file your tax return in March, you will be notified by the Tax Authorities before 1 July. If you file your tax return between 1 April and 1 May, there is no guarantee that you will be notified before 1 July.

Tax return letter

If you receive a tax return letter, you are required to file your tax return. These tax return letters will be sent between 21 January and late February 2016. If you do not receive a tax return letter, you can go here to check if you are entitled to a tax refund. It is also possible that you must pay tax.

Income Tax advice

The Dutch Umbrella Company has some worthwhile tax partners. They can assist you with your Income Tax. Please get in touch with your contact within The Dutch Umbrella Company and he will introduce you to one of the partners.

Questions ?

If you have any questions regarding your income tax return, please the Dutch Umbrella Company at +31 (0)20 – 820 1560.

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