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There are still a lot of questions regarding the further development of Brexit. “How will it affect me, will I still be able to live or work in the Netherlands and how will the travel policy be after Brexit?” Questions like these are extremely important for the 45,000 Britons living in the Netherlands.
Even though Brexit is approaching quickly, there is still no clarity about the way it is going to affect the British citizens. And that means waiting. But as a start, the IND formulated two possible starting points. If there is going to be a deal, a national transition period will occur. If this is the case, over the course of two years, all 45,000 UK nationals can be covered. If there is not going to be Brexit-deal, all UK nationals living in the Netherlands will receive a letter from the IND, shortly before Brexit. This letter will act as a temporary residence permit and will be valid for fifteen months. During this time, all UK nationals will be invited to submit an application for a residence permit.
If there is not going to be a deal, a temporary residence permit will be sent by letter, but you can also receive this letter digitally. Make sure that you take the actions below as soon possible.
The IND is connected to the message box of MijnOverheid (MyGovernment). This box is your personal mailbox for messages from government organizations. To this, use your DigiD to log in to MijnOverheid at https://digid.nl/inloggen. If you don’t own a DigiD yet, apply for it via https://www.digid.nl/en/ (Dutch only). To receive messages from the IND, go to Instellingen (Settings). Under Organisaties Berichtenbox (Organizations Message Box), Landelijke organisaties (National organizations) check Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (the IND).
You can choose to receive email notifications of new messages in your Message Box. In MijnOverheid, also under Instellingen, and then Meldingen (Notifications), Berichtenbox switch the button to AAN (on).
Subscribe to the Brexit newsletter via this link: https://subscribe.government.nl/newsletters
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