As of next July 1, highly skilled migrants and scientific researchers who have submitted a request for extension of their residence permit can also collect their permit from our Expat center partner.
Until recently, the Expat center only issued residence documents for the first authorisation. The application forms for highly skilled migrants and scientific researchers will be adjusted accordingly and can be downloaded from the website of the IND national immigration services.
As of next July 1, orientation-year students who graduated in the Netherlands and highly educated people who have a foreign diploma can collect their residence permit at an Expat center, after being granted a request for the purpose of stay ‘looking for and performing employment, as employee or independently’. This application form is also adjusted accordingly.
Highly skilled migrants, scientific researchers, orientation-year students and highly educated people can also have their biometric information recorded at an Expat center. The IND national immigration services are currently involved in eight Expat centers, in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Groningen, Wageningen and Enschede. You can find more information on these Expat centers here.
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