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On the 10th of June the senate passed the new law for Work & Assurance (WWZ). During the period of passing the senate pledged to minister Asscher of SZW that the first alterations will start January 1st 2015, instead of the July 1st 2014 in order to allow employers more time to make the necessary adjustments.
Also if for your company a Collective Labour Agreement is applicable this will be affected as well. Starting on January the first 2015 there will be some changes within the WWZ context that aren’t related to a CLA and these are outlined below.
In cases where Payroll Worls acts as a legal employer we follow the NBBU Collective Labour Agreement for temporary workers. This CLA has already been adjusted to the new WWZ law and the new CLA is effective as of June 1st 2014 and is applicable for 5 years.
Questions about these changes? Please contact us via +31 (0)20 – 716 33 84.
Source: http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/nieuws/2014/06/10/ruime-steun-in-de-eerste-kamer-voor-de-wet-werk-en-zekerheid.html
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